FAQs - Taste of Amsterdam

When will Taste of Amsterdam take place?
Unfortunately we are forced to move Taste to 2022. You can find more information here.

What’s included in my ticket?
All tickets include entry to the festival. Plus you have free access to many of the organised workshops, demonstrations and tastings. To see the full details of each ticket type and what’s included, please click here.

Where do I buy tickets?
Tickets can be bought in advance via our website. You can purchase a ticket for a certain day. Additionally, Taste of Amsterdam is limited in capacity so we recommend you purchase tickets far in advance to avoid disappointment. A ticket costs €15,- per day.

Why is there a service fee charged when I buy a cashcard and not when I buy a regular ticket? 
This year we are using a different payment system. Cash will be charged on cashcards that you receive when your ticket is scanned. For these cashcards, €1 will be charged. These are the production costs of a cashcard.

I purchased a ticket via the website and haven’t received the email with tickets yet. What do I do?
All tickets are e-tickets. Please have a copy of your ticket ready on your phone, or have a print-out ready to show in the relevant entry lane at the festival (signs will direct you to the correct lane). If you have any ticket related questions, please send an e-mail to info@rare.nl

What are the event opening times?
Taste of Amsterdam takes place from the 2nd of June until the 5th of June 2022. For more information, please refer to the ‘About Taste’ page.

How much are each of the dishes at the restaurants?
Most dishes vary from €5,- to €9,00, however a restaurant’s ‘Icon Dish’ may be priced from € 9,00 upwards.

How do I pay for food or products from the Gourmet Market?
You can pay at the Gourmet Market using your pin card or cashcard. Some stands also accept credit cards.

What are the hashtags I can use to share my Taste moments?
#tasteofamsterdam #tasteofamsterdam2020 #taste2020

Will the event be affected by unfortunate weather circumstances?
We always keep a close eye on all weather reports and unless advised otherwise by local authorities, the event will go ahead as planned. Come rain or sunshine, Taste will happen! As this is an outdoor festival, please wear appropriate footwear as weather conditions may vary. Should it be very wet or very hot, there are enough covered marquee areas throughout the festival.

Taste of Amsterdam reserves the right to cancel or change event dates, time, line up and venue as required. Tickets purchased for the festival are non-refundable. Alternative dates and times may be issued to ticket holders at the discretion and decision of the organisers.

Do children require a ticket to attend?
No, children aged 12 and under are free to attend as long as they are accompanied by a parent or guardian. Proof of identification is required and we ask you to register the kids when buying a ticket for yourself.

Is there an age restriction?
No, everyone is welcome!

Can I bring my own food and/or drink?
No, we have a lot of lovely food and drinks at the festival, therefore no external food or drinks will be permitted onto the site premises. Why would you, when you can taste all the delicious dishes from our chefs!

Is smoking permitted on site?
Yes, smoking is allowed at Taste of Amsterdam wherever there are ashtrays. Please note that smoking inside the tents is prohibited.

Is the site wheelchair-friendly?
The organization of Taste is doing everything within their power to make the terrain as accessible as possible for everyone. There are disabled parking places available, just as ramps at every highered stand. Beside that there are paved pathways, we placed decking over the grass and there is a disabled toilet to be found at the first aid post of Taste of Amsterdam

Are pets allowed?
Unfortunately, we can’t let pets on-site. Please leave dogs (and all other animals) at home to come and enjoy all the wonderful things that Taste has to offer.

Photography on site
Visitors entering the festival consent that Taste of Amsterdam and third parties authorized by Taste of Amsterdam may make or record film, photographs or other forms of moving picture, still picture or any of them of the event (including, without limitation of visitors) for the use of media and promotions.

Responsible Service of Alcohol
Taste of Amsterdam is allowed to refuse service of alcohol if there is indication that a visitor is intoxicated. If your speech, balance, co-ordination or behaviour is affected, you might be refused service.

Taste of Amsterdam or a police officer can refuse you entry, or ask you to leave, if they think that you:
o Are likely to cause injury to anyone else or damage property, or otherwise cause risk to public safety
o Are disorderly
o Have drugs on you

I am a neighbour of the Amstelpark and surroundings:
For more information about Taste of Amsterdam, please click here.

If you can’t find the answer to your question here, please visit our Contact Us page.